Hi, I'm Lucy, I created Mkt Lab to offer marketing expertise in an easy-to-follow way without the cost of a full-time marketing director. As a CIM Fellow (FCIM) with a Level 7 Marketing Leadership Qualification and a BSc (Hons) in Business, I bring the experience and energy to drive your business forward.
After graduating with a degree in Business, I went to work for IPC Media in London, now part of Future PLC, and spent six years learning the business of magazine publishing at a time when magazines were the major consumer media, along with TV and newspapers.
When the internet boom hit, I moved to a web development agency as a Project Manager working on various websites for a range of clients.
I then worked for myself as a freelance marketing consultant for various businesses before heading to the US with my family to live for 3 years. During this time, I was also raising our three young children. On our return, I continued freelancing as a marketing consultant before joining a local independent school as Director of Marketing for 5 years. From there, I moved to a SaaS tech start up as Head of Marketing and the 4th hire in the team. I worked with the founders and early team to scale the business for 3.5yrs, growing it from 200 to 1,500 customers.
Missing the variety of consulting, I returned to it in 2023, setting up Mkt Lab to offer marketing support to start ups and business owners. I love the breadth of work and really enjoy meeting so many business owners, helping them to succeed in their chosen field.
Outside of marketing work, I am keen swimmer and a volunteer coach in my local competitive swimming club where I'm a squad lead and Level 2 swim instructor. I also enjoy amateur landscape photography (see a few of my pictures below!) and love upcycling furniture and, renovating property of which we have completed several and have one work-in-progress!
I'm a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), and have been a member for more than a decade.
'Earners of the FCIM badge are Fellows of the CIM and senior marketing directors or consultants with strong strategic experience, operating at or around board level'.
Business graduate with a one year placement in the commercial sector.
This was a pure business course covering all the core elements of business including marketing, sales, HR, statistics and data management, customers and growth.
'Holders of this Award:
1. Can identify key influences on an organisation's future and match them with resources to determine direction.
2. Meet the challenges of change management
3. Build client relationships within an organisation or as a consultant'.
Consulted with an energy sector start-up to develop the first website, define service offerings, and establish strong market positioning. Working with the CEO and founding directors.
Consistent brand and marketing, two industry awards, securing a win and a shortlist within a year. Continues to be a very successful business.
Fourth employee at a SaaS technology start-up. Led all marketing activity including bringing in online webinars and demo on demands to sell products and generate inbound leads.
700% growth in the customer base within 3-years. Every sale had marketing touchpoints. Successful new product launches.
Marketing consultancy for a successful, bespoke recruitment firm requiring part time marketing support to drive content, website and case studies leading to an increase in sales.
Efforts have delivered more than 500 new subscribers and new high worth recruitment contracts. Ongoing consultancy work.
Consultant Head of Marketing for Sixth Form College. Undertook management of marketing team, devised enrolment campaigns including radio and outdoor ads, social media and prospectuses.
Successful fractional or short-term marketing consultancy to lead the marketing team and drive all related marketing activity.
Led the marketing and rebranding of a major adult education college, leading the website redesign, revamp of course materials, membership magazine, and course sales strategy.
Courses quickly sold out. College members were given personalised profiles allowing seamless online bookings and improved user experience.
Marketing consultant for an e-learning start-up. Worked on initial PR efforts, securing coverage. Set up social media channels and worked with the team to develop the first website.
Wrote an award entry which won its category that year for 'Best New E-learning Product'. This has grown into a very successful business.
Working with a successful team of creative artists to scope and support their inaugural annual art show and sale of works, showcasing local talent from more than 16 creative individual artists.
Successful delivery of the show with 30% of all art on display sold at the ticket price. Local PR coverage and calls for a repeat next year.
Working with an outdoor learning charity to improve their sales strategy, realign and boost all marketing activity and to bring wider awareness to their core purpose, their 'Why?' to drive success.
Successful delivery of summer course programme and improved marketing activity. Ongoing consultancy to deliver results.
Implemented a fee reduction strategy to reposition the school in the marketplace. Undertook competitor research, and data analysis and presented to the Governing Board to gain approval.
Lower fees were implemented resulting in growth in student numbers. Shortlisted for TES award for Financial Initiative of the Year.
Marketing Strategy Made Simple