Think of a marketing strategy as being a roadmap to help you know where your business is heading. A marketing plan is a set of tactical actions that ensure you deliver the overall marketing strategy and business goals.
A marketing strategy is longer-term and outlines a vision and defines how you will stand out. A marketing strategy should always support your overall business goals.
How will this help me?
Knowing where your business is going means you can plan and prioritise activity. You will feel more in control and have more confidence in your business and in feeling you can reach your goals!
This service provides your business with a detailed marketing strategy and includes the Full Marketing Health Check.
Step One is to complete my marketing review questionnaire.
I'll use your responses from the questionnaire to get a better understanding of your business and what you want to achieve.
Using your responses to the questionnaire, I will add my own research and create a
Full Marketing Health Check for you.
This is a colourful slide deck packed with information and analysis on your sector that you also get to keep as part of the marketing strategy process.
Using the marketing questionnaire and analysis in the Full Marketing Health Check, I will create a marketing strategy for you which will cover the elements below. This will serve as an overall roadmap for you to follow.
1. Goal Setting
2. Marketing Channels
3. Messaging
4. Budget
5. Measurement
When you start to see your marketing working, you can build on your credibility through promoting your wins online! This will increase your brand awareness, generate more leads, and increase your confidence in your business.
Level up your marketing! If you need help implementing the strategy, I can help. Email me on for a quick call.
Marketing Strategy Made Simple